So.... I saw this pretty cool link up over at With Curls & Cocktails and decided that I wanted to join in on the fun!
I'm a new blogger. obviously. Writing a blog is something I've always wanted to do and I'm SO going to make time for blogging. I
Oh yeah, my blog name. Well, my friend Stephanie is freaking hilarious. We were in the midst of a pretty good conversation one day. And out of Stephanie's mouth comes "Girl, it was a total cluster ____"(<<< insert f-bomb there). And since then that phrase has totally stuck with me. Ask my best friend, Brittany she'll tell you; I probably over use it.
And so - since my life is crazy. I mean, c'mon I have twins - who are almost TWO, going on five. I work. I have a deployed husband. I volunteer regularly. I'm a student. <womp.womp.>
So sums up What A Cluster.
So... if you have a blog, how did you come up with your blog name? Join the link up and share!
While you're here, follow me! Let me know you did and I'll share the love!