
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Say My Name! Say My Name!

So.... I saw this pretty cool link up over at With Curls & Cocktails and decided that I wanted to join in on the fun!

I'm a new blogger. obviously. Writing a blog is something I've always wanted to do and I'm SO going to make time for blogging. I pinky promise.

Oh yeah, my blog name. Well, my friend Stephanie is freaking hilarious. We were in the midst of a pretty good conversation one day. And out of Stephanie's mouth comes "Girl, it was a total cluster ____"(<<< insert f-bomb there). And since then that phrase has totally stuck with me. Ask my best friend, Brittany she'll tell you; I probably over use it.
And so - since my life is crazy. I mean, c'mon I have twins - who are almost TWO, going on five. I work. I have a deployed husband. I volunteer regularly. I'm a student. <womp.womp.>  

So sums up What A Cluster.

So... if you have a blog, how did you come up with your blog name? Join the link up and share! 

While you're here, follow me! Let me know you did and I'll share the love!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Why I Suck at Blogging

Seriously. I suck at blogging.

Not because I have nothing to say. I have PLENTY to say. I'm just way. too. busy. lately. ALL THE TIME.

I'm totally one of those people that spreads herself too thin. If ONLY spreading myself too thin, would result in becoming thin...

I promise to start writing more...


You see, this week is a crazy week. I have about one bazillion (this indeed is a number) too many things to do before the hubs comes home on RnR next weekend! And well, then, I'm going to be too busy (busy. busy.) to think about this little blog. I promise I'll update y'all on all our outings. I'm so excited for the hubs to see/spend time with/enjoy our boys. They looked like this when he left:

and well, now they look like this:

They are totally different babies, I mean toddlers. My sweet, sweet boys are not babies anymore. sigh.

Later, y'all.